Rooted in Growing Firm Foundations

Our Mission:

Oak Tree Support Services' mission is to eradicate homelessness by meeting people where they are and helping them get to where they want to be through county and federal programs including housing, employment and independence supports.

Through person-centered tools and planning, we support people to achieve the change they want in their lives.

Mission Statement
Oak Tree Support Services

Our Vision:

We strive to create a world where every person receives the supports needed to allow for deep roots in the community resulting in a firm foundation to build their best life.

Request Services from Oak Tree Support Services

Universal Referral Form

Submit a referral for any of our services from one form. 

Transitional Moving Services (TMS)

TMS is a great service provided by waivers that allows for payment and facilitation of movers, moving truck, moving supplies, and a small pool of money for furniture and household goods.

Connect With Us

To submit a referral for any of our services, please use our Universal Referral Form.


Or if you have specific questions for our staff, please use our Contact Form.

Success Stories


Doris had lived in her current apartment for ten years. She was thriving and had overcome struggles with anxiety and mobility limitations. She began services with OTSS when her landlord notified her that in three months, her lease would not be renewed, and that the owner was selling the property. Doris and her housing coordinator…


After overcoming multiple barriers, we found Laura a place that would take her non-declawed cats, her voucher, and in an area that she loved and had a great school for her daughter!


Holly was living with her abusive husband because she was unable to find a local shelter with an opening that could accommodate her accessibility needs. In addition to the stressful home environment and urgent need, Holly also had many barriers related to finding a new home. The housing coordinator was able to work with her…


Sarah was in a group home that became increasingly unbearable. I was able to locate housing for her and when I went to visit her, she said she needed to move that day. I packed her up myself, drove the U-haul truck, and moved her things into her new home. It was an adventure but…


Gretta was at severe risk of homelessness. Through a joint effort of HSS Transition, Sustain, and Employment Services, she is now able to grow her independence and stability through obtaining a firm foundation of housing and employment.


Bob had not lived on his own in many years and found new independent housing through our HSS Transition services. He and his team identified that independent housing would be challenging without supports. Through HSS Sustain, he was able to help his team set up housekeeping and nursing supports. They also worked on cooking, budgeting,…